Arabella Weir "Does My Bum Look Big In This?" Angliška knyga.

Grožinė literatūra - Kaunas

Kategorija Grožinė literatūra
Miestas Kaunas
Daikto būklė Puiki
Domina Mainai ir pinigai

This is the diary of an ordinary, insecure woman in her thirties, Jacqueline M. Pane. Like all women, Jackie knows that life would be perfect if only she had a small bum, sticky-up bosoms, and didn't grow a moustache once a month... Chart her progress as she perfects the art of feeling shifty about every little, and not so little, bit of herself. The potential for self-doubt lies in everything - and it's all her fault. Coronet leidykla, 212p.

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